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What Our CLient's Say

(205 Reviews)
Patrick Dupire
For the second time the entire Nepal Authentic Trek team shows all its capabilities

For the second time, the entire Nepal Authentic Trek team showed all its abilities to organize for no less than 19 people. Everything was perfectly managed, which was very appreciable for me. I was the initiator of this trip within the Alpine Club in Annecy and a mid-mountain guide. I warmly recommend the Nepal Authentic Trek to all my colleagues in Haute Savoie for any other trip to Nepal. Well done to Chef Pasang and his two assistants, with a very special mention for Lakpa, with whom I had already had to share a trek in April 2022. The porters were very friendly, smiling, and helpful. Unforgettable trek of everyone’s life.

Unforgettable trip and we will think of them for a very long time. Thank you for everything

As soon as we arrived at Kathmandu Airport, the welcome and support were excellent. Pasang, Santa, Lakpa, and all the porters and guides knew how to help us discover this magnificent country, always with kindness, attention, and a smile.
Unforgettable trip, and we will think of them for a very long time. Thank you for everything.

Beautiful trek shared with beautiful people

Pleasant and smiling guides. Efficient and helpful porters. A beautiful trek was shared with beautiful people. Cultural visits are a little more common on this tour. The only downside is that meals are often too fatty and unbalanced.

The Nepal Authentic team contributed greatly to the success of our trek

The Nepal Authentic team contributed greatly to the success of our trek. Always very available and attentive to each participant, Pasang brought all his knowledge to the group of 19 people with joy and good humor. Thanks also to Lakpa, who shared the same passion as Pasang. Highly recommended.

I will not fail to recommend Nepal Authentic Trek - A big thank you to the whole team

Very nice stay; the weather was with us! Top organization. The whole team—guides, assistants, porters—were friendly, helpful, and attentive to our needs. Smiles and kindness from start to finish.

I will definitely recommend Nepal Authentic. A big thank you to the whole team.

The organization was top notch

The organization was top-notch. There is nothing to say. Keep going.

Everything is well organized, whether transfers, accommodation, meals, acclimatization stages, visits, nothing to say

There was very nice attention from the guides, from the porters to the group. Everything was well organized, whether it was transportation, accommodation, meals, acclimatization stages, or visits. Nothing to say

The latter will remain unforgettable

Very pleasant stay. Our guide was able to perfectly organize the daily logistics with the porters. He listened and responded to our requests. Always be concerned about the smooth running of your stay. Pasang transmitted to us the habits and customs of Nepalese life. Always available, very professional, attentive, cultured, and generous, our guides were very touching throughout our trip. The latter will remain unforgettable.

Anne Bergougnoux
Thanks to the whole team

The progressive route was very suitable for acclimation to altitude. Suitable lodges in the context of the trek. Excellent, very attentive team of porters and guides. Pasang is also very knowledgeable about culture. Thanks to the whole team.

Thierry Galtier
Very good organization of Nepal Authentic Trek

The organization of the Nepal Authentic Trek was very good. Excellent guides, the Chame refuge next to the torrent to be seen again. Excellent services overall, emphasizing the patience of the guides and porters.
Above all, good humor, patience, joy….

Gilbert Agrebbe

R.A.S. everything was very good. Would not change a thing. Except maybe there could be a little more powder in the coffee. THANKS.


A great trek that I experienced in the company of our guide Tsering was great at every level—the explanations about the region, everything we had to go through, up to the culture of his country. He was very attentive to our physical condition throughout the trek. I really recommend him; he is a very good professional person.

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