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What Our CLient's Say

(205 Reviews)
At 69 years, Island Peak you can do!

At 69 years, you no longer necessarily want to travel alone and especially to trek in the Himalayas. The Himalayas are one of the places to see at least once in your life. I had the pleasant surprise to discover the local agency Nepal Authentic Trek which prepared my trip to the ascent of Island Peak in 2019. Warning, difficult trip in terms of physical commitment but acclimatization remains very progressive. At the base camp where we had to stop for two days because of bad weather. For the trek in Nepal it is necessary to bring clothes adapted to the weather conditions and to the altitude.

Very nice experience overall

Ascent of Mera Peak for the second time with Nepal Authentic. Overall, this was a very satisfactory organization. Professional teams who aimed to take us to the summit of Mera. We all reached the summit thanks to a very good guide and a Sherpa climber guide for two participants; it’s a real privilege. Overall, very nice experience.

Difficult but worth it!

The trip fully met our expectations and desires! We were able to experience everything we wanted. Superb itinerary, and the guide is top-notch. The Nima guide greatly contributed to the success. Everyone at the top is unforgettable.

Superb Adventure!

I have just returned from three weeks in Nepal, two weeks of trekking and climbing Island Peak with Pasang and his team. It was just magical; it was an experience that I wish for everyone. An exceptional ascent to do once in your life! Cover up well once at the summit; the temperature is very low! Our guide, Pasang, was perfect, professional, attentive, and very reassuring. It was a great experience. Don’t hesitate; go for it! Namaste!!!

Splendid Island Peak

Excellent trek ascent circuit with a very well-done cheering program that took the whole group to the summit. The view from the summit at daybreak is magnificent. A treat, impeccable organization, a great guide, and very good mountaineering equipment.

The most beautiful experience of my life

Travel in spring 2019 was a very beautiful trip with a pleasant route. A great team and made this trip perfect. Our guide, Dawa, was very patient. He was always very attentive to our needs and requests.

Superb ascent

Great trek ascent. For me, it was an exceptional trip. Very progressive altitude and good logistics in a difficult environment. More than a professional team. Highly recommended!

Great trip but difficult climb

Back then, I could only say good things about this trip. Superb trek with grandiose landscapes. The very beautiful circuit was well designed for good acclimatization, and the Nepalese guide was very professional!

An unforgettable experience

An unforgettable experience. With its varied and magnificent landscapes, the meeting with the Sherpa people was moving. A big thank you to our exceptional guide, Pasang, and his team for this wonderful trip. I recommend this circuit.

Very good support

Very good support. Pleasantly surprised by as much care both before our departure for Lukla and for our return (taxi, hotel).

Good guide, and very good mountaineering equipment

Good guide, and very good mountaineering equipment. The owner in Chunkhung was very friendly and efficient. Miss: The guide never took the time to describe to us, step by step, the climb to the summit and what was going to happen on the glacier. However, we asked him, but probably due to a communication problem, he never did it.

An old dream come true

An old dream come true, in ideal conditions, with great organization and a very experienced guide. Thanks again, Dorjee and his team. This journey is truly magnificent, but the final ascent is grueling and endless. Yes, but arriving at the summit with the sunrise is an incredible spectacle.

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